Giving Nature's children a second chance
Our mission:
Laurens Wildlife Rescue, located in Laurens County, Georgia, receives injured, orphaned and ill wildlife and cares for such wildlife under applicable state and federal guidelines. This entails housing, medicating, feeding and otherwise treating intakes with the goal of returning a healthy animal to the wild. On occasions where illness and/or injuries would prevent successful rehabilitation and release, euthanasia is performed by one of the licensed veterinarians at Smalley’s Animal Hospital in Dublin, Georgia or by one of the workers at the Dublin-Laurens Humane Society certified to perform euthanasias.
About us

Laurens Wildlife Rescue, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization located in Laurens County, GA and devoted to the care of orphaned, injured or ill wildlife. Vonda Lee Morton is a state and federally licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Shown at left, Morton holds an adult female red tailed hawk suffering the fatal effects of eating a poisoned rat. (Photo courtesy of Tommy Martin)