Number 9 is from my own yard and all attempts to locate the nest to re-nest her were futile. I was SO sure I know where that nest was! She’s a strange little gal; she plays with the other flyers all night but refuses to sleep with them—has her own separate little cardboard box in the larger cage the remaining nine are in now. They’re like greased lightning with all that space to play in!
Number 10 is a cat-attack victim from several counties away who, luckily enough, had no injuries. We started antibiotics anyway, as cat saliva is toxic to wildlife and if she ingested any of the cat saliva on her fur, it could have had deadly results.
The Cooper’s hawk who came in back in mid-September with a minor wing fracture was released…
And returning full-circle to the fundraiser, LWR has taken in 293 critters this year, nearly double the normal intakes for any given year. The barnies are up to 8 mice per feeding now, so that small order of rodents on its way won’t last long. Every donation, no matter how small, will help us care for the current “guests” at LWR and others that will come in between now and the end of the year—and remember, donations are tax-deductible! You can click on the Fundrazr link at the beginning of this update or on the PayPal link on this page to donate.