This was a mature adult male, banded, severely underweight, lethargic and with a scabbed right wing and massively swollen and obviously broken right leg. Cue more panic: I was unsure the bird would even survive the night, as he arrived from Bulloch County after Smalley’s had closed for the day and was all but comatose by nightfall, leading to a series of panicked texts to state and federal officials. Eagles still have a lot of regulations surrounding them that “regular” raptors don’t.
He did survive, however, and x-rays at Smalley’s showed an old, healed wing fracture and a massively displaced tibiotarsal fracture. The scabs on the wing were from using it as a crutch. This bird was also headed to Auburn.
Now, to back up a bit, yes, he was banded but the bander had not reported using this band yet, so we still have no idea as to age, where he was banded, etc. Given his recognition of feeding forceps and willingness to accept food from them, I’d guess he was in rehab for quite a while somewhere, and that’s probably where he was banded, as well. The link to his patient profile at Auburn is
The same day the eagle arrived, a juvenile red-bellied woodpecker came in after having hit a window as he fell from a tree. There was something neurological going on with the bird, possibly as a result of his fall, and he began having seizures and died within hours of intake.