The flyers have been placed in the pre-release pen and will more than likely be released by the next update, unless they decide to hang around for the winter. Flyers are very social and accepting of new members to their colonies, and since I have an established colony of flyers in the woods near my house, these two may take up with the colony pretty quickly.
In other news, the flicker has been released, after a couple of weeks in the flight pen to build her stamina back up after two weeks in confinement. Even though she kept that right wing at a bit of an angle, she was flying around the flight pen beautifully, and when I opened the pen door, she hauled her feathered butt out and into the trees before I could even focus the camera. Below are some shots of her in the flight pen.
If you’re looking for Christmas gifts for friends, colleagues and/or relatives, a 2013 LWR calendar is a great option, and all proceeds over’s cut will be used to support our rehab efforts in 2013.