Almost immediately after the November update, LWR received a juvenile black vulture who’d gotten caught in the razor wire at a nearby prison. Her foot was badly slashed but otherwise she was in pretty good shape, all things considered. Yeah, I know—you’re thinking, “A vulture?? A buzzard?? WHY would anyone rehab a buzzard????

Anyway, the first words out of my mouth upon seeing Miss Vulture Babe were, “Damn, you’re ugly!” I’ll be the first to admit that vultures aren’t the most attractive birds out there, but what they lack in looks, they make up for in intelligence. Miss Vulture Babe was an aggressive little snot during her vet exam—she was quite hungry, as she didn’t get fed until AFTER the vet visit. I learned the hard way that vultures take a long time to digest their food and will quite willingly toss their cookies at the slightest provocation. Immediately upon arriving home, however, I fed her, and the effect was like flipping a switch. I. FED. HER. Now we were best buds! Tell me vultures ain’t smart!
And she kinda grew on me while she was with me, too, bless her ungainly little heart. It was especially endearing to walk in and find her sleeping, head tucked on her back. Look at those photos—isn’t she cute?