The week was bookended with mocker intakes: one found in the middle of the road, the other found and kept by an elderly couple for a week before they located the contact info for LWR. Luckily, he was at an age where the crappy Internet diet they found and used didn’t do too much harm.
Adding to the general insanity, this young Eurasian collared dove was found beneath a tree—and doves of all species build absolutely the most half-cocked, ramshackle nests you can imagine—and the finder decided the bare spots under his wing and on his sides (where feathers were just coming in) were where he was “raw”…so the poor bird was slathered with greasy salve…
Once again—if you find a bird that you think is injured, LOCATE AND CONTACT A LICENSED REHABBER before attempting any sort of treatment on your own!
The person who found these hatchlings on the ground with no nest anywhere in sight did just that: within a few minutes of finding them, she called me. In under an hour, I had the birds. Ideally that should have given them a good chance at survival, but sadly, three of them didn’t make it. They apparently didn’t get enough of the parents’ saliva to fill their sterile hatchling guts with beneficial bacteria, and each of the three died overnight over a three-day span. The fourth, who appears to’ve been the first to hatch, may have gotten more of the gut flora he needed from his parents, as he seems to be thriving. I’m cautiously optimistic about his chances.
His left eye looks trashed when he opens it—which he’s not doing often right now. Nothing appears broken, but he definitely has a concussion and I do foresee a vet trip in his immediate future so we can fully assess the damage to that eye.
And finally, leaving you with “rehab makes strange roomies” cuteness overload, enjoy these multiple shots of the bluebird and blue jay buddying up with each other!