This gorgeous little female mourning dove was found grounded in a recent clear-cut patch several counties away.
Back to the dove: her wing was broken and it was an open fracture that had already begun to get infected. There was nothing to do but humanely end her suffering.
The squirrels, even though the photo suggests otherwise, are actually awake more often and eating solids now. They’ll be placed in a larger pen later this week so they have room to move around and learn to be proper squirrels in preparation for their release in about a month.
When he continued to walk aimlessly around their yard, they searched for someone to help him and brought him to LWR, where he’s the typical GHO nestling: a sweetly doofusy-looking bottomless pit who will mature into a ferocious predator. Don’t let that goofy baby look fool you: GHOs are top-tier predators with few natural enemies aside from man.