Let’s lead with the older two red shoulders, who’re in the raptor flight now and liking it quite well, thanks.
Today a barred owl came in with a massively trashed wing after getting hung in the ropes of someone’s tire swing. The broken feathers, raw flesh and maggot eggs were all “fixable” issues; the wing fracture right in the joint was not. He was euthanized humanely.
The wood ducklings are fast approaching release size—and not a moment too soon, honestly. They’re getting too big for the limited space I have available at the moment. No new photos or video of them; the focus kept struggling on the video for some reason.
The blue jay with the leg injury and busted hip surprised me by perching late in the week. I honestly wasn’t sure he’d be able to perch, given that hip, but he’s perching like a pro and flying some, too. And, of course, I adore him…Y'all know how I am about my corvids!