First, though, the results of the screech x-rays: his wing is well and truly broken. It’s anybody’s guess if it will actually heal; we know it won’t heal for flight. So if, in a few weeks, the fracture has begun callusing over, we’ll worry about placing him as an ed bird. Right now, we just need to see if it’ll heal. The good news is, he’s keeping the wing level—no drooping—and his appetite is excellent. Personality? Ehhh…typical pissy screech.
The house finch in the songbird flight is flying beautifully now—no signs of wobbliness at all. As I mentioned last Sunday, though, he and the mourning dove will stay put till first dove season ends.
The kestrel remains a source of amusement and bemusement. He’s about the most gorgeous little bird I’ve ever seen, and the better he feels, the pissier he gets. He’s determined to turn my hands into sieves!
He did open a small wound on the “head” of his wrist, so he remains on meds to keep it from getting infected. It’s scabbed over nicely, though, and when he rips off his wing bandage, which happens about every other day now, the wing doesn’t droop, so that’s good.
He also continues to shred his paper daily, and every evening I remove all the shredded paper and give him fresh paper to begin shredding the next morning. Thus, he’s acquired a name: Sisyphus. And nope, I’m not explaining—if you don’t get it, look up the name and you’ll quickly understand!