After some debate as to location, we finally decided on the perfect spot for the raptor flight pen and have begun clearing off the area. It’s on a natural rise and is fairly level, so that will reduce some of the “landscaping” aspects of the construction. It also gets the morning sun, midday dappled sunlight and evening shade—perfect!
The other three flyers are growing apace and were moved just today into a larger pen with a proper nest box. They haven’t explored the remainder of the pen—probably won’t see that action till tonight—but the nest box meets with their approval.
This isn’t a great “mast” year for squirrels of any species in my neck of the woods. Last year we had a bumper crop of mast— acorns, pecans, etc.—but this is an “off” year. Why is this significant? Since there won’t be an ample supply of winter fodder out there, I’ll be overwintering these little rascals, to give them the best possible chance at survival when they’re released next spring.