No releases last week; we had a week full of high rain chances, most of which didn’t pan out till yesterday, when the bottom fell out and we got 2 inches of rain. That said, there were obviously no releases, and this week isn’t looking promising, either.
LWR had three intakes last week; one required euthanasia, one was DOA, and one is doing well and we’re hopeful will be releasable.
Let’s start with the (fingers crossed) releasable bird: a first-year sharpie, aka sharp-shinned hawk. He’s a tiny fellow, and well-fleshed, so he’d been a successful hunter prior to his injury. He was found in the middle of a busy highway in a neighboring county, and when he came in, his wing was obviously broken and he had a flesh wound right at the wrist.
We went into triage mode as I held the bird and AJ gently pried her beak open so I could get the slurry into her crop. Surprisingly, I saw no signs of frounce but she could have had capillaria, which wouldn’t show in the throat. After a small feeding, she seemed a bit stronger and had even started resisting being fed, although she still hadn’t opened her eyes, so we placed her in a donut with a thick towel to serve as a blanket to help trap her body heat. I made plans to stay up all night, feeding her every two hours, as a bird in this horrific shape can only be fed small meals every couple of hours.
The remaining red shoulder trio are good to go as soon as we have several days of low-to-no rain chances. But I’m not complaining about the rain; we need it.