The scruffy Carolina wrens from the August update were released; the possums and squirrels have a while yet before they’re releasable.
And then one of the people who brought the Coop actually wanted to argue with me as to the need for euthanasia. People, first off, I’m trained in what I do. I usually know when an animal’s injuries require euthanasia; when I’m not sure, a vet exam and x-rays will help determine the decision. Second, an open wing fracture is always grounds for euthanasia; to attempt to treat it would prolong the bird’s suffering, ultimately resulting in death, anyway. If it’s within my power to spare an animal even an hour of pain and suffering, I’ll do it. And finally, I do not make the decision to euthanize lightly. It comes down to quality versus quantity of life. I don’t play the “I did everything humanly possible and spared no expense” game with either my domestics or the wildlife under my care. That’s an ego trip, and I don’t have an ego where these animals are concerned. I do what’s best for them, period. That’s the whole point, isn’t it??