Last week was a quiet week, with no new intakes. Quiet doesn’t mean not busy, though, as we were working behind the scenes, as it were, to get the nonreleasable screech squared away for placement as an ed bird. The follow-up vet visit at Smalley’s went well; the x-rays showed no change from his first visit, and vet Peggy Hobby agreed that he was, in fact, nonreleasable, providing a letter to that effect for the state and feds. So all the requisite paperwork has been submitted and now we hurry up and wait. Once everything’s approved, he’ll be going to Beth Thomson of Blue Ridge Raptors and in all honesty, she had to do all the paperwork; all I had to do was get the follow-up vet visit and ask Peggy for the letter stating he was nonreleasable. Beth has a great setup and an excellent working partnership with her ed birds, so he’ll be in good hands once the transfer is complete.