This makes me livid on two counts: first, the possibly preventable deaths of wildlife due to Verizon’s ineptitude; second, the damage to my professional reputation. I’m not a happy camper, not at all. Verizon claims they were migrating all their customers to a “new and more reliable” voicemail platform, to which I say “horse hooey.” If it’s so all-fired reliable, someone explain to me how 26 voicemails could accumulate without a single notification. They are VERY aware of my dissatisfaction. VERY.
Then I was informed my name had inadvertently been omitted from the list of raptor rehabbers on our current state list, so while I’ve been assured by DNR this was an oversight, given that both my state and federal permits cover raptors, and has been corrected in their files, it will be July before they update the list again…So spread the word; I am raptor-permitted and will show copies of my permits to anyone who needs to see them…
Adding to the generally high level of frustration, the last two bluebirds, who were doing so well after their release, suddenly stopped flying, literally overnight. After watching them hang around in the old duck pen for an entire day, on the ground, I caught both and examined them for problems. Yep, they had problems, all right—somehow all their primaries on BOTH wings, for BOTH birds, had been totally trashed.
I’ve never understood the public—and even some rehabbers’—anti-possum sentiment.
Folks, please recall, if you will, that possums are very beneficial critters. In addition to aiding vultures in disposing of carrion, possums eat slugs, snails, and other creepy-crawlies you don’t want in your garden or house. They also eat snakes, including rattlesnakes, and are actually immune to rattlesnake venom. Additionally, current research indicates that because possums eat ticks—LOTS of ticks—they may play a major role in preventing Lyme Disease.
Some researchers call them Nature’s little garbage disposals—think about the disease they help prevent by eating things you don’t wanna deal with anyway!