For some rehabbers, depending on location and species rehabbed, baby season has been underway for a good month or more, due to the spring squirrel breeding season; for those of us who do mostly birds, our baby season is just around the corner—and indeed, downy great horned owls are beginning to show up already. What can you do to help?
Rehabbers need—no, rehabbers LOVE—volunteers. Any time of the year, a volunteer is a great thing; during baby season, when meeting someone to pick up a baby bird would mean loading up every other baby bird in our care, having someone who can pick up and transport is beyond amazing. Even someone to help clean caging would be a huge help—and the training process for both is short, simple and free. So if you’re interested in helping your local rehabber(s) this year, give ‘em a call and see about volunteer opportunities!
The weather prevented the flyers from going into the pre-release caging last week. The weather’s prevented me from doing a lot of stuff I needed to have done this fall and winter and now, with baby season around the corner, I’ll be scrambling to play “catch-up”…par for the course.
But lookie here what we had come in last Sunday: another flyer, a little female, 2-3 weeks old at time of intake. She’s the youngest flyer I’ve had to date, and she’s just adorable. Of course. As if flyers have any other personality!

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