Monday a gorgeous sharp-shinned hawk came in with a nasty open wing fracture right at the wrist. I don’t see a lot of sharpies—I think I saw all of two in 2019—and they’re magnificent birds, so I hate having to euthanize them, but there was no option for this fierce little raptor.
And today the Wheeler County Sheriff brought an absolutely stunning first-year red tail. Y’all know how I feel about red tails, and many of y’all share my adoration of these regal birds. This fellow has a fracture right at/in the elbow. And there’s a gaping hole there. No bone appears to be exposed, so it may be an additional injury, where the bird picked at the area causing pain, or perhaps an entry wound from a pellet. He’ll go in for x-rays tomorrow to see what, if anything, we can do for the fracture and to check for pellets, as well.
And finally, don’t forget that the Great Backyard Bird Count begins on Valentine’s Day this year: Feb. 14-17, Friday-Monday.