Well, guess what? I don’t make threats, either, nor do I make promises. I take action. By law, I’m required to report suspected illegal activity. Someone making public comments about shooting a protected species sounds to me like illegal activity in the works, so you bet your sweet arse I reported it. A quick search gave me the person’s workplace and home addresses and phone numbers, and this information, along with screen caps of the conversation, have been sent to the appropriate state and federal authorities. What can they do, since no crime has yet been committed? Official phone calls to jackasses whose big talk probably compensates for lack of size in other areas will often have amazing effects in terms of reducing an overinflated ego to a size matching those aforementioned other areas…
I don’t play around when it comes to protecting my native wildlife, people. Don’t test me.
On to more pleasant—and some less pleasant—topics. If you’ll recall, in July I received a brown thrasher who’d been raised on a crap diet, with stress bars all in the tail feathers. I wasn’t sure how the bird would do, but I did have him in the flight pen. I’m happy to report that he’s been released!
After the crow I mentioned in the last update succumbing to textbook West Nile virus (WNV) symptoms, I’m paranoid now, so I suspect WNV in the screech, too. Apparently when they contract it, it hits hard and fast.
They’re still mostly eating and sleeping at this point, so I don’t yet have any photos of them with fully open eyes.