I’m not even sure where to begin…
We did have one release last week, the big juvie female great horned. She was happy to go, and it freed up the raptor flight for the barred owl who’s been at LWR since January.
At least the songbirds pay well together and can all be placed in the flight together. These are the four mockers and brown thrasher from last Sunday’s update.
Monday an adult barred owl came in with her shoulder slit open. She’d been found in the road, so she probably whacked someone’s side-view mirror just right to rip the skin. Luckily for her, she had no fractures, but there was pure muscle exposed. Vets Jim and Peggy Hobby and I debated, as there was no way to suture or Dermabond the wound closed—bird skin is thin, anyway, and right there on the shoulder, she’d be constantly ripping it open again every time she moved. We opted for heavy meds, topical sprays and lots of prayer. Thus far she’s actually doing better than I expected.
Saturday was a bumper-crop day, with 6 intakes in under 8 hours.
A barred owl was pulled from a barbed wire fence. The flesh is pretty ripped up and the right wing, which wasn’t drooping on intake yesterday, is drooping today. He’s another candidate for x-rays.
The older of the juvie great horneds still under care is insistent that he wants out of his box, and he really does need to be in the raptor flight. I’ll probably put both juvies and the adult out there next. Maybe. There’re too many raptors vying for that same space at the moment; maybe I should do a raptor lottery to see who gets their turn next!
And I think that sums it up for the past week…Maybe I didn’t leave anybody out…