The two releases were the barred owl who’d been patiently (sort of) waiting for several weeks and the red shoulder whose x-rays were perfectly clear. The red shoulder took off like a shot and I got no video or photos of him; he disappeared.
The barred owl was more cooperative; I at least managed a couple of maximum-range post-release photos of him.
The barred owl with the wing fracture is doing well and is a highly impatient patient. He wants OUT of that box; he doesn’t understand that he’s on cage rest till his wing heals.
Same for the screech, who still delights in puffing up and threatening to kill me every time his paper is changed or he’s fed. If screeches were as big and bad as they think they are, I’d never go outside at night again!
And Sisyphus the kestrel seems to be healing quite well. The place he’d opened up and plucked bald on his wrist has remained scabbed over (you can see it in both photos below, to the right), so he’s no longer picking at it, and he left the same bandage in place for most of last week. He’s off meds now and continues to eat well and show me just how fierce a little falcon can be. Honestly, I think he’s got the screech beat for dinging my hands nonstop.
One day I’ll manage a photo of him perching; as it is now, every. dang. time. I go near him he flips on his side or back in defensive mode. I have to laugh at him, even as I’m wincing at the damage those tiny talons can inflict.