First, the releases: both the mourning dove and house finch were released. True to predictions, the finch didn’t waste time leaving; the dove, however, did actually hang around for a day or two, so I was able to get a couple of pretty decent post-release shots of him.
I didn’t get photos of him before taking him to Smalley’s, but I do, of course, have his x-ray, which shows the damage to his poor wing.
His left wing felt broken in the wrist, and x-rays at Smalley’s showed it was actually his entire hand that was shattered, with no signs at all of calluses forming after a week. Given the lack of any evidence of healing and the fact that barreds are nearly impossible to place as ed birds, we opted for euthanasia. Again, I forgot to take photos of him prior to his trip to Smalley’s, so all I have is his x-ray.
While he never offered to bite me, his intake exam revealed a broken right leg and a punctured patagium (the skin flap between their front and back legs that allows flyers to glide) just below the left elbow. I started meds, got a little food in him and put him on low heat—all SOP for flyers.
The barred owl recovering from a wing fracture continues to do well. He’s an aggressive little snot who lunges at the camera when I try to get photos, so no pix of him again this week. He can lunge at me all he wants but I’m not risking my camera lens!
The screech recovering from a wing fracture is also doing well and is proving a true master of the screech stinkeye.