Starting last week with a bang, as it were, a window-strike Cooper’s hawk came in on Monday. As y’all are by now aware, Coops are psychotic, high-strung birds. It took a couple of days for this gal’s swollen eye to go down, then the threat of rain delayed her release, and when we finally tried to “git ‘er gone” earlier today, she flew straight into a tree and bounced onto the ground on her back. Needless to say, she’s back at LWR…
At any rate, the folks he wandered up to placed him back outside on the Fourth and monitored the situation; by that evening, he was still alone, so they took him back in and offered him an emergency diet of blueberries—not a horrible option for an older bird. They called LWR and left a message but Verizon didn’t deliver their voicemail until early on the fifth—gotta love the non-service we all too often get from these cell phone providers, considering the ungodly fees they charge. By the next morning when I actually got their message, he wasn’t in good shape, and he didn’t last too long after arrival.