Let’s start with the poor gunshot red-shoulder. On Monday Verizon decided to not register calls or send voicemails from two people calling about the hawk. I got their messages at 2:30AM on Thursday—and yes, I was livid, and you better believe Verizon got an earful from me. I call them to cuss them out so often I’m probably on some kind of list.
The first caller had actually been calling on behalf of the second caller, who, as soon as I made contact and explained Verizon’s snafu, said he could get the bird to me ASAP. He’d seen the bird go down Monday and thought it might have been shot; when he subsequently found the bird, it was with what he described as “delinquents” whom he suspected of being the shooters, if the bird had been shot. He said they had the bird caged and were tormenting it by poking it with sticks. They refused to hand over the bird, so our hero and a friend staged a nighttime raid to “liberate” the bird and get it to me late Friday. The poor bird was thoroughly traumatized and his right wing was trashed. Under any other circumstances, I would have euthanized that night, but I needed x-rays and I also wanted the hawk to have at least one decent last meal, which he got.