But it always does…and we drag ourselves back up long enough to settle in the new intake and crash again. And then the weather goes sideways and puts a screeching halt to plans to rearrange critter pens…
The “fun” just never ends…
Oh well… let’s get on with the update.
The barred owl who came in two weeks ago that I felt was iffy died that night. There were obviously internal injuries.
Week before last, a second-year red tail came in—no injuries but dazed and confused acting, and a bit on the thin side. He’s eating well but still acting dazed and confused over a week later, so I’m not sure what his issue is. I moved him to the mini-pen, where he promptly bathed but refused to perch, even though he’d been perching in his box inside.
Then a second male American kestrel came in with a swollen black eye and bloody nose. His eye looks better today but he’s reluctant to eat, unlike Sisyphus, who I’m pretty sure would eat my hand if I left it in his cage long enough.