Starting with last Sunday’s bald eagle I mentioned was en route for Monday, the bird arrived Monday morning and went straight to Smalley’s for x-rays and a general exam by vet Peggy Hobby.
It was at the clinic that I had time to snap a few photos of him, and enlist vet tech Christy Harrell’s aid in getting a couple more when my hands were full of eagle.
I alerted Auburn that he would be en route as soon as volunteer transporter Joy Daniels got off work; in the meantime I fed him a couple of small meals. He eagerly consumed both meals and would have eaten more, but overfeeding an emaciated bird can kill it. Small meals every few hours are better.
Of course, the state and feds were also notified that the eagle had come in, was seen by a vet and was en route to Auburn.
We also had a release last week, although it took all week for the weather to finally cooperate for that release. The screech who’d come in with mild head trauma regained his freedom yesterday. It took him several seconds to realize the box was open and come soaring out; he was too busy giving me stink-eye.