I’ve posted photos of owl ears before, but here’s another good shot. Owls’ ears are hidden in the “ruff” of feathers around their faces and they’re situated slightly unevenly relative to each other—and yes, they’re enormous in proportion to the size of their heads. This is why owls are such excellent hunters: even when they can’t see their prey in the underbrush, they can home in on the (to human ears) imperceptible noises it makes.
Sales of the 2014 calendars, featuring 12 photos of LWR’s “guests” in 2013 and available from Lulu.com: http://www.lulu.com/shop/laurens-wildlife-rescue-2014-calendar/calendar/product-21282459.html?showPreview=true , are also very sluggish. Remember that all proceeds above Lulu.com’s fees will be used to fund LWR’s operations next year, so buy lots of calendars—they’ll make great Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers! The button below will take you directly to the Lulu site and add a calendar to your shopping cart automatically.