Yeah, for the past two weeks it’s been a revolving door situation around here with raptors: owls out, hawks in…
But first, a reminder that we do have 2013 LWR calendar available through;jsessionid=9A82168D6909525E23A40D22846C7A80. It features full-color photos of 12 of this year’s intakes, one per month. It may be too late for a Christmas gift, but all proceeds ($10 per calendar) over’s printing fees will be used to support our rehab efforts in 2013. The more calendars we sell, the more funds we’ll have toward next year’s expenses, so feel free to buy several, and thanks to those of you who have already done so!
As the owls were exiting, the hawks began arriving. First was a first-year sharp-shinned hawk with a broken wing. Fortunately, the break was fairly close to mid-bone, so vet Shelley Baumann of Smalley’s Animal Hospital stabilized and wrapped the wing, and we joked about setting up a pool on how long she’d leave the bandages in place. Sharpies are accipiters: small, quick and very maneuverable raptors whose primary diet is songbirds. They’re also slightly psychotic. Okay, maybe more than slightly. Who’m I kidding? They’re little feathered nutcases!
And over the weekend, this gorgeous young female red tail came in. The finders saw her by the roadside, and when she didn’t fly away at their approach, they knew she was in trouble. They got her into a pet carrier and to me ASAP. One of the finders indicated that their neighbor, who raised pigeons, might have shot her, but there were no obvious signs of foul play. She did have a broken leg, but without x-rays it was impossible to say how bad the fracture was.
Will this work? Only time will tell. The lead pellets are small enough that they shouldn’t pose a serious health risk, and it’s my understanding that they usually work their way to the surface. However, there’s still the very real risk of bumblefoot developing in the good foot from the stress of all her weight being on it.
Here’s hoping you have a merrier Christmas than this gorgeous lady will…