Let’s start with the release: the Coop…ummm, pardon the pun…flew the coop so fast I barely got a video of the release, and no post-release photos because he headed straight into the woods and disappeared!
The barred owl with the blood-filled eye is now in the raptor flight and slated for release within the next couple of days. His eye is almost normal-looking now, he can fly well, and he’s able to find his food no matter where I place it in the raptor flight—in other words, he’s good to go.
Unfortunately, this young female RT, probably early second year, wasn’t as fortunate and required euthanasia. She came in with both wings fractured—both open fractures. If you’re wondering what could have led to fractures of both wings, my theory is that she tangled with a great horned owl and lost. GHOs and RTs are both apex predators and, aside from man, about each other’s only real threats. This is the time of year in Georgia for GHOs to be pairing off; by next month there should be eggs in their nests. Maybe this RT wandered too close to established GHO territory or a nest—who knows? I discussed my theory with Steve Hicks of Bubba & Friends raptor rehab, and he agrees it seems the most likely explanation. Nature is truly red in tooth and claw…