Today’s intake is a barred owl with a broken left wing. It feels mid-bone but it’s still too swollen to be sure, as he was found in the road this morning in a county south of LWR. He’s also still very woozy, as you can see below. (That's his third eyelid showing in the photos.)
I cleaned the dirt and muck off his feet so I could more clearly see how bad they were and started oral and topical antibiotics for both the pox and the base-of-tail wound. He had to be hand-fed but he did eat a large mouse, so I was fairly optimistic he had a fighting chance—he was alert and aggressive despite not being able to stand on those poxy feet.
Sadly, he died during the night. And yes, as red tails and screeches are among my favorite raptors, I did more than a fair amount of cussin’ over losing him...
He needs about another month for that wing to fully heal; the fracture was close to the joint so we’ll have to wait and see, but I’m hopeful it’ll heal for flight and not freeze the joint.