On the same day midweek, an adult mocker and an adult female house finch came in, brought by the same volunteer. The mocker was literally DOA; the house finch lasted about 30 minutes after intake. Later in the week, a juvie ruby-throated hummer arrived just moments after dying en route.
Adding to the week’s death toll, the cat-attacked juvie mourning dove died. He was still on meds, was starting to attempt self-feeding—everything looked promising. And he died overnight late in the week.
On the brighter side, a second mourning dove, also a juvie, came in. This one had not been cat-attacked; he’d just gotten separated from his parents somehow—his finders suspected a neighborhood hawk might have had his parents for dinner. It happens; it’s in a raptor’s job description: they eat songbirds. This little one is doing well and should be releasable as soon as he decides to self-feed.
In the photos below compare his eye on intake, then last week, and finally the last two were taken today. Lookin’ good!